Dear friends of Child Hope International, We know we rarely get news from Haiti in the US. You may not be aware that the nation of Haiti and the city of Port au Prince have been paralyzed for the last 7 days with political protests and violent demonstrations that have left at least eight people dead, a dozen inured, and businesses burned. Banks and stores are closed. Public transportation is shut down. Schools have been closed. Fuel is in short supply. Protests, tire burning and other roadblocks make travel very difficult. The U.S. Embassy has raised security alerts to the highest levels. We are highly concerned. The kids under our care are secure, with staff members and security guards at both of our homes. All staff members are safe. We have enough food on hand to last this month and our recently installed solar panels are providing power to maintain communication. Our biggest concern is water: the water trucks are unable to deliver and stores are out of stock. It is estimated that our homes will run out of water this weekend. This is a very volatile and heart-breaking situation for Haiti. We desperately ask for your frequent and fervent prayers for:
- Miraculous peace in the land and wisdom in the leadership of the nation.
- Rain to fill the cisterns in the homes and quench the fires in the streets.
- Courage and encouragement for the staff, as they minister to the children and families in our care and that they not become dismayed.
- Protection of the hearts, people and property of Child Hope.
God has answered our prayers for the ministry time and time again, often in ways that can only be described as miraculous. Please join us in praying that we get to see his miraculous hand at work again!