Our social workers traveled to Jeremie (6.5 hours from Port au Prince) with two objectives: to visit another orphanage that is interested in learning more about family-based care, and to find extended family members for siblings living at Maison de Lumiere.
The orphanage in Jeremie recently learned that many of the children in their care have families and are not “true orphans.” Through a mutual connection we were introduced and began sharing with them our process to reunify children with their families. We are so excited to be able to
walk alongside another organization starting down a similar path as we
have traveled! They invited us for a site visit to assess their current programs and provide guidance on how they can begin to implement reunifications. Our social workers were encouraged by the transparency of their orphanage director in talking about strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities. We will continue sharing our wisdom and providing encouragement as they begin the messy but Biblical work of “turning the hearts of parents to their children and the hearts of children to their parents” (Malachi 4:6).

In Jeremie our social workers also met with the grandmother and great aunt of siblings living at Maison de Lumiere. This meeting was a great time to hear more about the family history. It was touching to hear Madame Rose* say the eldest boy’s father was very involved in his son’s life. Unfortunately the boy’s father died when the boy was very young. However, the boy has many half-siblings in Jeremie that see Madame Rose often and ask about their brother.
*Name changed to protect the identity of the individual and the family.