Our social work team hosted a training day for parents in our Family Sponsorship program in Port-au-Prince. This was the first time we offered this training to parents, though we have previously trained Haitian social workers working in orphanages. Because this training was designed specifically for parents, the content needed to be practical and easy
Because of the incredible generosity of our supporters, we are thrilled to introduce three new students joining our program this year! After years of living in an orphanage, Mireille* was finally able to return home. She was reunited with her mother and two sisters, Myrlande and Mariette. Mireille began thriving in her studies, and her
Several of the families in our Family Hope program live outside of Port au Prince. Our social workers & staff pastor connect with the families on a weekly basis by phone, but they also travel to visit the families in person. Recently they made a visit to the South Department. They were able to meet
Our social workers and pastor made a visit to one of our families in the North Department. They live in a very remote area where electricity, internet, and cell reception are not always available. The team traversed dirt roads in bad condition before making it to the family’s house. When they got there they were
Child Hope International
PO Box 420
Santa Barbara, CA 93102
(805) 845-1946
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