In December we transitioned 8 children from the orphanage back into the care of their families! We coupled the farewell party with our Christmas party, which was a fabulous way to send off the children.

Here are a few highlights from recent reunifications:
Child Hope helped Rosaline, a mom, find housing over the summer. Our social worker commented, “you can see in her smile just how much this has meant to her.” In August her oldest son aged out of the orphanage and we were able to place him back into her care. Rosaline playfully complained that he is a picky eater, but they have loved getting to reminisce and learn more about one another. Now Rosaline’s 3 younger children have also transitioned into her home!
Two sisters who were placed with family in December arrived at school after the Christmas break beaming with pride as they showed with off the new lunchboxes that their aunt had given them. It was such a small gift, but to the girls they felt loved and doted on.
A boy who had been reunified with his older sister went on a trip over Christmas vacation to meet his dad and extended family. He had been longing for the opportunity to go. The sister made all of the travel arrangements for the six hour journey and she paid for the entire trip herself.
These brief stories are victories in the work of reunification that we rejoice over! They confirm that a family truly has the potential to love and support children in a way that an orphanage just can’t. God’s design is for children to be raised in a family.
For more on our reunification process, watch an interview with one of our social workers HERE.