Child Hope Ambassadors

Child Hope Ambassadors are friends of the ministry who have taken their support to the next level by committing to share Child Hope’s mission and ministry with their own communities. By doing so, they help by both reaching out to and educating new potential partners and supporters about what we do and why.

What are Ambassador expectations? We’re asking just 3 simple things:

  • Make sure you are on our email list (you can sign up HERE)
  • Meet up for coffee/lunch/etc with a friend and tell them about CHI
  • Recruit one new Ambassador

When you join the Child Hope Ambassador team, you will get access to a variety of resources as well as personal, specialized support to help you make a larger impact in the lives of children and families in Haiti.

If you are interested in becoming an Ambassador, please contact us!

If you are a current Ambassadors, thank you! We are thrilled to have you on board – it means a lot! Click HERE to access exclusive Ambassador resources.