UN calls for the end of orphanages

On 18 December 2019, the UN General Assembly in New York adopted a Resolution on the Rights of The Child that signifies a major milestone in ending the institutional care of children globally. By adopting the Resolution, all of the 193 member states of the United Nations have agreed, for the first time in history, that orphanages harm children and, recognizing that the vast majority of children in orphanages have living family, all children should be reunited with or supported to remain with their families1.

At Child Hope International, we strongly support the UN Resolution. Research has shown and scripture confirms that God’s design is for children to be raised in families over orphanages, group homes, or institutional care.

The mission of our Family Hope program is to reintroduce and reconcile children with their families, and if possible, even reunify the children into their families’ homes. 

Since launching our Family Hope program, we have been able to connect over 90% of the children at Child Hope with family members! We have had 5 children successfully reunified back into their families’ homes. We are overjoyed to see children in a loving, supportive family setting.
